There are a large number of treatises that cover just about every area of law you could name. Several titles are considered to be the seminal treatise for their subject area. For example, you might have a judge or partner say, “Find that in Collier”; they are referring to Collier on Bankruptcy, one of the titles mentioned below.
The treatises used in your law practice may also depend on the resources you have access to, either in print or online. When you start working, especially after law school when you lose access to your Loyola-provided Westlaw and Lexis accounts, be sure to become familiar with the resources available to you. Depending on where you work, that could be electronic databases, a firm library, or you may rely on public law libraries.
In addition to being directed to a particular treatise, you may want to consult them when independently researching. Treatises are secondary sources that can provide background information, lead you to primary law, or provide persuasion for a legal argument.
On this page you will find a list of “seminal” treatises, both generally and in Louisiana. To find additional sources, use the Georgetown Law Treatise Finder. You can select from a wide variety of subjects (from administrative law to water law). The first section of results are print books from Georgetown; if you want the treatises in print, search our catalog or speak to a law librarian. The second section of results lists where the treatises are available electronically, primarily on Westlaw and Lexis, which you can then access through your own login.
Navigate The List
If we have the resource in print, the title is linked to its entry in the law library catalog. Select the link to view the library's holdings and find the location for each title.
- This title is available on Westlaw.
- This title is available on Lexis.
Class Actions
Eminent Domain
Federal procedure
Medical Malpractice
Oil & Gas
Workers’ Compensation
The Louisiana Civil Law Treatise Series is the preeminent general Louisiana treatise; all volumes of this series are shelved together in Reserve, Reference, and the Stacks at KFL 80 .L685; each of the following subjects has its own volume in the set:
The Louisiana Practice Series are also great resources for practitioners and are generally updated every year. Most of these books are kept in the reference collection, and can be searched using the catalog. This series covers the following areas of law:
Other works of particular note include:
All original content copyright 2022 Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Library. This guide may be used for educational purposes, as long as proper credit is given. This guide may not be sold. Requests to republish or adapt a guide should be directed to the Library Director. Proper credit includes the statement: Written by, or adapted from, Loyola University New Orleans Law Library.