This LibGuide is for public patrons in need of affordable legal services in the New Orleans area. There are many ways to tackle a legal issue. A range of services are available, from do-it-yourself resources to lawyer referrals. If you need immediate help, checkout the Hotlines tab, which lists agencies that can answer questions by phone. The New Orleans area is privileged to have several law libraries with professionals who know the law and can assist you with research. Look under the Libraries/Legal Research tab for a library in your area. The Legal Aid/Self-Help tab lists both free and low cost legal services. If you don't find what your looking for, check out listings in the Subject Index for agencies that can help with specific legal issues. Feel free to contact one of the Law Librarians for further information.
All original content copyright 2022 Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Library. This guide may be used for educational purposes, as long as proper credit is given. This guide may not be sold. Requests to republish or adapt a guide should be directed to the Library Director. Proper credit includes the statement: Written by, or adapted from, Loyola University New Orleans Law Library.